Terms and Conditons

Who We are

Klikinz is an E-commerce platform that specializes in the used products by providing the feature of displaying the products from the sellers on our application as we are an intermediary only. Our service is used only to link between the party offering the product (seller) and the buyer and these terms and conditions have been developed to serve as an agreement between the Klikinz and users with the intention of benefiting from each other.

  • Tariffs:

The key terms used in these terms and conditions have the following meanings:

  1. a) “Application” – “Klikinz” Klikinz for smartphones
  2. b) “Appstore / Google play” – the online store from which the application is downloaded.
  3. c) “Appstore/Google play Rules” – any applicable rules, policies or conditions of the relevant Appstore/Google play.
  4. h) “Content” – all information of any kind (including profiles, reviews, posts, comments, documents, audio, images, video, advertisements, messages) uploaded to our Website/App (including messages sent via website/application).
  5. j) “Service” – our website, our app and any related services.
  6. k) “User” – persons or legal entities who use the Website or Application (whether registered with us or not). They are the product viewer and the product seeker.
  • Legal Disclaimer:

Except as stated below, I acknowledge that KLIKINZ DOES NOT PERFORM LEGAL SCANS. The services provided by (Klikinz) are limited to providing a free market and a platform for those wishing to purchase products and their providers, and I acknowledge that I, as a searcher for the service, communicate directly with the service provider and that (Klikinz) does not employ any of the users. In the event that the product searcher agrees to an agreement with the product provider, Klikinz is only an intermediary and is not a party to this agreement. Not concerned with its terms, and I acknowledge that (Klikinz) has strongly recommended me as a product researcher to take all appropriate precautions and steps to evaluate all products before dealing with them. And taking into account that the application information and questionnaires depend on the information provided by other individuals or users of the application, and therefore I acknowledge that (Klikinz) does not provide any guarantees regarding its correctness, completeness or accuracy and is not able to verify its authenticity. the accuracy of any information provided by the user. and its legality, operation and compliance, including my liability for false, misleading, inaccurate, violating regulations and conditions, or otherwise.

I, as a user as a researcher or provider, agree to these Terms of Use, and agree that Klikinz cannot guarantee that Users of the Application are 18 or over, and Klikinz is not responsible for any content, communication or other use of the Application. It is also possible for all registered and unregistered or unauthorized users or “hackers to publish or send offensive or obscene materials through the application, which directly affects us and I also disclaim the application for these individuals’ use of my information for other purposes, disclosure or use in violation of public order and morals.” And for every disclosure of all my personal information on the app. Nor does the Application guarantee to me that the information on the Application will be maintained with integrity, accuracy, completeness or accuracy. The Application may contain typographical errors or other errors or omissions. I also acknowledge that there is no responsibility on the application in the event of unauthorized additions, deletions or modifications to the application by a third party without my authorization.

Limitation of Liability I declare as a researcher or product provider that (Klikinz) will not be liable to me or to any other person for any incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use or inability to use the product, even if (Klikinz) is aware of or report the possibility of such damages, and that the Application is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages, including but not limited to physical damages or physical or emotional emotional injury, arising from the use of the Products offered on the Site.

  • Privacy, Access and Compliance:

I acknowledge and agree that you may process my personal information in accordance with the terms of the Privacy and Cookie Policy which are subject to change from time to time, subject to my compliance with the Terms of Use, all applicable laws and regulations and that I warrant, acknowledge and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which the Application operates. In particular, the laws, regulations, and decisions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and I agree that the (clinics application) platform may modify this agreement and these amendments will be effective immediately upon their publication in my right and hereby I fully authorize the platform / application to make them whenever it deems it appropriate and pledge to review these terms of use periodically to be aware with those modifications. I acknowledge that continued access or use of the Application is conclusive evidence of my acceptance of the revised Agreement.

I acknowledge that the application is compatible with applicable mobile devices and associated operating systems (IOS, Android) available at the moment of launching the application and (Klikinz) does not guarantee that the application is compatible with any other devices or operating systems that may be issued and I acknowledge that I am subject to the agreement of the new terms and conditions. It is my responsibility to monitor updates for applications frequently and install them as soon as they become available. I agree to submit any personal information.

  • Not authorizing the account:

I acknowledge that my account is for personal use only and is not transferable. I will not authorize or allow anyone else to use my account. I will protect and maintain my password and other account or identity information. We will notify you immediately of any apparent breach of security such as loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized disclosure or use of your password. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for the use of my account, information, identity and password by third parties or any third party and responsible for any negligence or otherwise in connection with the foregoing.

  • Support and maintenance:

I acknowledge and agree that the Application provides support only to the extent specified in its Service, as it may vary from time to time. I acknowledge that Apple Appstore (and) Google play are under no obligation to provide any maintenance, technical or other support services in connection with the need to support and maintain the Application. I will contact the application’s technical support team if support is technically possible and I acknowledge that you are not asking about the application’s response to technical support and maintenance but only your commitment to take care.

  • Application of terms and conditions:

I agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as they supersede any previous versions. And I acknowledge that if you modify the information, you will not keep a file copy of my modified transaction and you cannot guarantee that these services will remain accessible to me in the future. and that it is available in Arabic or English and that these terms and conditions constitute an End User License Agreement between you and me and not (Appstore or Google play) with respect to your application, and in addition, I agree to be bound by the rules of the Appstore and (Google play.. and abide by By reviewing the terms and conditions related to my use and access to the website and application (Klikinz) on the mobile phone, and I know that these terms apply to all users of the application, and I agree to be bound by these terms.

  • Terms of Registration

– I acknowledge on my own responsibility that I may not attempt to register for your service if I am under 18 years of age.

– I acknowledge that no attempt may be made to register if I have been convicted of any crime or subject to any court order relating to assault, violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, dishonesty, any crime of dishonor, terrorism or otherwise.

– I acknowledge that your website and application have been designed for people who intend to sell, buy or benefit from their used products, and may only be used by those mentioned.

  • Terms of Use of the Service:

– I agree and acknowledge that I will only contact the Service for the purposes of the application and in accordance with its terms, and that I will not contact the Service to perform any operation otherwise, and I am directly obligated not to commit violations and violations prohibited by law and order, but not limited to:

– Not to violate any law, regulation, regulation or rules of conduct in force in the application or in the country.

– Abide and refrain from uploading any content (including links or references to other content), or otherwise acting, which may be defamatory, threatening, harassing, invasive of privacy, abusive, vulgar, racist, fraudulent, hateful, discriminatory, obscene or pornographic or encourage violence and terrorism, or encourage self-harm, or are misleading, abusive or deceptive.

– Not to infringe any intellectual property rights, marks, patents, other rights or the like, whether to harm the reputation of the application or the reputation and harm of others.

– Not to upload any content that contains personal information of another person unless that person is 18 years of age or older and you have previously obtained the express written consent of that person.

– Not to impersonate any person or entity in order to mislead others or with the intent to offend him or to apply.

– Agree not to upload any content that links to any illegal third party websites or contains inappropriate content.

– Not selling my Service access information to another person

– The obligation not to use the site to provide a similar service to third parties or otherwise in order to compete with you.

– Not to sell advertisements or promotions in connection with the Content except in cases where I will obtain written permission from you in advance.

– Not to use the Service for unsolicited mail, spam, or similar or fraudulent schemes.

– Commit not to do anything that may disrupt the Service, including viruses, software bombs, group messaging, or others.

– Agree not to do anything that may adversely affect the smooth enjoyment of the Service and to be treated in a courteous, dignified and orderly manner.

– Full commitment to avoid obtaining unauthorized access to any part of the Service or equipment used to provide the Service.

– Not to use any automated means to interact with our systems except for public search engines.

– I did not attempt, encourage or assist in any of the above and I acknowledge that I will inform you of any of these violations immediately if I know that a person or another party has committed or is trying to commit it

– In return, I agree to my obligation to comply with any rules or requirements on your site.

– I will immediately and duly acknowledge any request or instruction from you in connection with the Service.

– I commit myself to ensuring that any contact or other information I provide to you is accurate, correct, regular and not misleading, and I will update it so that it remains so.

– I acknowledge that when I use the service, I may encounter behavior or content that I consider inappropriate or defamation of me or you, in this case I commit to contacting you and I will use any of the blocking mechanisms available to me to stop this behavior while providing you with it and coordinating with you to deal with it in a system and take legal measures about it.

– I acknowledge your right to display third-party services, third-party advertisements and links to third-party websites. In this case, I acknowledge that this is not an endorsement or recommendation to deal with them by you and that you do not bear the legal responsibility for those sites or services, nor any damages that occur to me and any use of them is at my own risk.

– I commit not to display personal communication data and not to communicate directly between me as a seller and the buyer or between me as a buyer and the seller. Klikinz has any financial or moral compensation in return for it, and I also acknowledge that (Klikinz) has the right to cancel and delete what I have published and ban my account in the application without any liability to the Klikinz.

  • General conditions for accessing the service

– I acknowledge that I am the exclusive author of my profile and the exclusive owner of my photos and agree to post information posted in any profile I create including my photos, and I acknowledge that all copyrights in my profile, any photographs posted by me, and any additional information submitted to (Apply clicks) at any time in connection with my use of the Site. It is the property of the site and I absolutely waive all rights related to being the author of my profile and the owner of my images and any similar rights, and I automatically grant, agree and pledge to grant them to the application (Klikinz), free, permanent, non-exclusive, free of property rights to use this information, content and images copy, perform, display, display, promote, distribute, prepare derivative works from, or embed such information and content in other works, and I agree that Klikinz, in its sole discretion, reserves the exclusive right to terminate my access and/or deactivate my account if it finds any information I have provided inaccurate or are unlawful, deceptive or otherwise inconsistent with these Terms of Use and I acknowledge that I will use the Application in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.

– I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for the content or information that I post or display on the Application or transmit to other users. I may not post on the Application, or send it to other users or to (Klikinz), its employees, agents or representatives, or post or transmit any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, abusive, abusive, sexually directed, threatening, harassing or abusive or illegal, or any material that infringes or will infringe the rights of a third party (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights, rights to privacy and publicity, cybercrime). I will not include in my profile any offensive language, including but not limited to offensive anatomical or sexual references, or offensive or sexually suggestive language, and will not post any images that contain nudity. It is the right (clinics application) at their discretion, the right to refuse any profile or image that does not comply with the prohibition stipulated in this clause, and I acknowledge that I am responsible for my interactions with other users of the application. With the right (Klikinz) to monitor and mediate disputes between me and other users of the application, but not as a matter of obligation and without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the official authorities in the event that the act constitutes a crime or there is a need for compensation.

– As a user, I agree to receive messages from or through the Clicks application including, but not limited to: emails and notifications informing me of events, changes to the application and promotions offered by (clinics application) or that are provided by a third party.

As a searcher of the Service I represent, warrant, understand and agree to these Terms of Use and any applicable additional terms in full on behalf of myself and my Teen User, and further understand and agree that I warrant that the Teen User complies with these Terms of Use and that I am responsible for any non-compliance by my Teen User .

– I agree that (Klikinz) does not bear any responsibility for deleting, corrupting or not storing any messages or content within the application and I acknowledge that the features and services it provides may change at any time. And that (Klikinz) has the right to terminate my use immediately if I misuse the application, or act in a manner that can be considered inappropriate or illegal. or prohibited by the Terms of Use, including, but not limited to, the following:

* Attempting to access or exploit a user of the application and to provide any of the services without your written consent and to harass or contact any other user of the site in an inappropriate manner.

* Collecting information about the application or any of the users of the application without your written consent, or in the event that I modify, reproduce, cut off or change any content or information contained in the application, without written consent from (clinics application).

 * Use any deep-link, page-scrape, robot, crawl, index, spider, click spam, macro programs, Internet agent or any other automated device, program, algorithm or methodology that does the same things, to use, access, copy and obtain obtain information, generate impressions or clicks, enter information, store information, search, create searches, or monitor the Application or any part of it.

* Access or use the Application for commercial or competitive purposes. or distribute viruses or other malicious computer code.

* Allow any other person or entity to impersonate me or impersonate a third party to access or use the Application. For any purpose that violates the laws. or commit any act that causes harm to the user or other users.

 * Post, distribute, reproduce or remove any copyrighted material, trademarks, notices or other proprietary information in any way, without the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights whether the owner of the Application or other users . Including the manipulation of identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information transmitted through the Application or to circumvent any measures implemented by Klikinz intended to prevent violations of the Terms of Use.

  • Changes to Terms and Conditions

I agree that (Klikinz) may change these terms and conditions by publishing the new version on your site by sending a notification via e-mail, SMS and/or in-app messages. I will be bound by the revised Agreement if I continue to use your Service after the stated effective date and I acknowledge that if I do not agree to the changes in my status as a user of your Service and if they are not required by applicable law or regulation, I may terminate my subscription or use of the Application without liability to you or compensation.

  • Responsibility for my own content:

I acknowledge my full responsibility for my content, and I promise the application that it has all the necessary rights and permissions to review and audit it and abide by the following special terms and conditions.

I pledge that all my actions and words are in accordance with these terms and in the event that I publish an evaluation of any of the product exhibitors, I pledge that I have not had a personal or commercial relationship with him and that I am not a competitor to him, and that I have not received or given any consideration for writing this evaluation and that what I have written is My independent, honest and true opinion of him without favoritism or hostility.

I acknowledge that in the event of using any features or sharing of my content on your site that enable me to share my content with a third party, you are not responsible for the use of my content on the third party sites.

I authorize you to reserve the right, without notice to me, to reply, refuse, suspend, change, remove or delete any content or disclose it to the police or other relevant authorities or to the complainant, including any content or conduct if the subject matter of the complaint you have reason to believe is infringing your terms and conditions, or that such steps are necessary to protect you or others, or that I may have committed a criminal offence, or when required to do so by law or regulation and other competent authorities require you to do so, and in this case I undertake not to re-post or re-post content that relevance.

I am solely responsible for determining the content to be downloaded (subject to these terms and conditions). I acknowledge that (Klikinz) is not responsible if my content is misused by others because I know and agree that this is out of your control and that I will not upload any content if I am not aware of the consequences of misuse.

I authorize you to reserve the right, at your discretion and without prior notice, to modify any text, profile, or other content of me uploaded to your service.

I authorize you to reserve the right to place ads adjacent to or within my content. And that you keep all the revenue from these ads, and I have no right to claim them or some of them.

Commit to backing up the content to protect me in case this material is lost or damaged. I acknowledge that I am responsible for this and the application bears no responsibility for any loss or damage.

I authorize you to delete my content without consulting me and without informing me after the termination of this Agreement if my account has been inactive for a period of six months.

I acknowledge and acknowledge that uninstalling the application may delete all content on my device and I have no objection to that.

  • Confidentiality of data and information:

I, as a user, commit myself to maintaining the confidentiality of data and information and to use it within the scope of the work of this agreement only, and not to infringe on the application by disclosing its secrets permanently, and I guarantee my commitment and the commitment of my subordinates and employees to this confidentiality, and I alone bear their violation of the terms of this agreement, and I bear any damages or compensation without prejudice to the jurisdiction of investigation bodies or authorities other in it.

  • Termination or suspension of this Agreement:

As a user, I acknowledge that at any time I may terminate this Agreement by closing my account or by following any applicable instructions on your service. Provided that all the financial dues and obligations I owe to you are paid, without asking me for any amounts or compensation.

I acknowledge and agree that the Application has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason by notifying me by e-mail, SMS and/or messages within the Application and without prior notice or waiting for a response from me if my use is terminated.

I acknowledge that you have the right at any time (with or without notice) to terminate this agreement, suspend part or all of your service or impose restrictions on your service in the belief that I have violated the terms and conditions or the need to protect you and other users or a third party. Or it was required by the system or the competent authority.

I acknowledge that the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason negates my right to use your service and I must not attempt to re-register with the service or continue to use it after termination. I remain committed to all the terms that prevent violations, breaches, violations, maintain confidentiality and non-violation of privacy, and I alone bear all responsibilities and compensation towards you even after the termination or expiration of this agreement.

  • Responsibility:

– Klikinz is not responsible for failure to perform or delay in performing any obligation under this Agreement if the failure or delay is caused by any circumstances beyond your reasonable control including failures of external communications.

– I acknowledge that the application is not responsible for any act that causes harm to me or for anything about the application or its employees in the event of compliance with the laws and regulations or in the event that I cause such loss or damage such as my non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

  • Intellectual property rights:

I declare that I am fully aware that the property rights, copyrights, trademarks, names, logos and service marks are the property of the application (Klikinz) and I may not modify, copy, print, reproduce, distribute, republish, implement, publish, display or transmit and/or use any of the contents of the Application in any form or by any means without your prior express written permission.

I acknowledge that all materials used on or in connection with the Service are owned by the Application or other users. These are for my personal use only in the Application in accordance with these Terms, and I may not use these materials in any other way, including copying, selling, or extracting from them, without your prior written consent.

I acknowledge that I will not aggregate or dispose of any Content on your Service and that I have no right to circumvent or otherwise interfere with security features of the Service or features that limit or prevent copying of Content or that restrict use of Content.

I have no right to reverse programming any of your programs or decompiling it in any way. I may not create or use a modified or derived version of your software or distribute or transmit your software to third parties and I undertake to take reasonable steps to ensure that your software is not disclosed to any third party.

I agree that in the event that I upload any Content to your Service or provide you with any ideas or suggestions for Your Service, I will, at no cost, and in perpetuity, use and adapt all or part of such Material, and I waive my “moral rights” with respect to such Content, I also agree to allow each user to use my content in accordance with these terms and conditions.

I declare that I release the application in the event that any third party claims that my use of the application has infringed the intellectual property rights of the third party, in which case I shall be solely responsible for all material and moral damages before the third party.

  • Dealing with general information and service interruptions:

I acknowledge that you do not guarantee that the instructions or other general information you provide on your services will be accurate or up-to-date and that you are not liable for them. If I act on this information, it is my sole responsibility to investigate its accuracy or suitability for my purposes. In my case and in the event that I rely on this information, it is at my own risk. I also acknowledge and agree that you do not guarantee that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. You have the right, without notice and without obligation, to suspend the Service for repair, maintenance, improvement or any other technical reason, and to make changes to the Service at any time without my objection.

  • Payment method:
  • I agree and expressly commit as a user that (Klikinz) will not be responsible for any payments or cash transactions that occur outside the application. I also agree that (Klikinz) will not be responsible for any dispute related to any monetary transactions between me and any other party, whether the service provider or others.
  • I acknowledge that the Clicks application does not bear the responsibility for the loss or damage caused by wrong or invalid cash transactions that are processed by service providers and electronic payment channels.
  • I acknowledge that users who are buyers, sellers or displayers of products are responsible for all monetary transactions and (site or application name) is not responsible for loss or damage caused by wrong or invalid transactions processed by service providers. I am solely responsible for verifying that the payment process has been agreed upon prior to providing the service.
  • I acknowledge that I, as a user, agree to the payment method provided for the application, whether by debiting the card directly or in any other method specified by you, and I am not accepted for subsequent payment for the service.
  • I acknowledge, as a user, that I pay the fees for any promotional or other advertisements in advance and I acknowledge that the application does not deal with the subsequent payment of the service at all in all your dealings with us, whether for users or with the owners of advertisements paid in advance.
  • I agree to the new pricing that will be issued by you to benefit from the service, which can be increased at the time of payment without my objection and I acknowledge that it is inclusive of the applicable value added tax.
  • I agree that in the event that the application mispriced any part of the products, I acknowledge that you are not obligated to provide the product and if you inform me, I will be obligated to continue the service at the correct price and pay it or pay the difference between the paid and correct amount, depending on the case.

  • Compensation:

I acknowledge and agree to indemnify (Klikinz), its employees and any other user of the application for all losses, expenses, damages and costs including, but not limited to, all attorneys’ fees. and fees imposed on (Klikinz), arising out of or related to my use of the Application or any violation of these Terms of Use by me or any other person accessing the Application on my behalf, as well as in the event of any claim that any materials, information or content that you have sent to (Klikinz) ) infringes the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party.


I acknowledge and agree that in the event of a violation of the terms and conditions of the application and all instructions, in addition to the right of the application (clinics application) to deactivate my use of the site and services immediately. And without prejudice to the right of the application to be compensated if it is necessary and as a result of violating these terms and conditions and the violation caused damages to the application or its employees or users and without prejudice to the claim of any other losses, damages or penalties in addition to my agreement to what was mentioned, I am obligated to pay special compensation for any material or moral damage in the amount of an amount (5000) riyals for each day of damage in addition to any other losses, damages or penalties of the authorities, if the following violations are committed in particular:


  1. retain other users’ information (including, but not limited to, names, addresses, phone numbers or email addresses) or copyrighted material that you have collected (whether directly or indirectly, manually or automatically) from the Application;
  2. misuse or misuse the Application Content on a “mirror” or “competitive” site or a third party site. or non-compliance with confidentiality, disclosure of its information, damage to its reputation or defamation, and that the application has the right at any time in its sole discretion to block me from IP addresses linking to the site and application.

  • Waiver of the Agreement and Unenforceability

I acknowledge that you may transfer all or part of my rights or duties under this agreement to a third party in the event the ownership of the application is transferred to it in any form of transfer of ownership, and since this agreement is personal to me, I am not entitled to transfer any of my rights or duties without Your prior written consent. In the event that any of the terms and conditions of this agreement is not enforceable, only this condition will be canceled and the rest of the terms of the agreement will be considered effective in my right.

  • Conflict Resolution

In the event of any dispute arising between the application and me as a user of the application regarding these terms and conditions, it will be settled amicably between you and me in the first place, and in the event of failure to find an amicable solution between us, it will be referred to the competent courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the applicable regulations.

  • Full consent:

I hereby acknowledge my acceptance of all of the above terms and conditions and in my full capacity and my legal status, and by this I sign what has been mentioned above, and this acceptance by me constitutes my complete approval of it and the legal consequences it entails.